Discover Your Favorite Coffee

A Coffee Lovers Journey

Have you ever wondered if there is much variation available in the most popular beverage in Canada (next to water)?

Yes; there are several types of coffee, and many ways to brew it, and countless ways to serve coffee. Here are some tips on how to find your favorite coffee.


Why Coffee?

One thing to help you determine what coffee is best for you is to ask yourself why want to drink coffee. It is a delightful journey, exploring which coffee is best suited for the occasion. Here are further considerations;

  • Do you drink coffee because you like the taste?
  • Do you want to drink coffee because of the caffeine stimulation?
    (You may not even like the taste, but you want or need a caffeine boost.)
  • Are you sensitive to dairy products or other beverages?

Your questions may evolve as you learn more about the blends. Lets “meet the bean” so you can find one that fits for you.


Blends for the Beginner

If you are new to coffee, you might want to start with a cappuccino or latte. These are made with steamed milk and espresso, and tend to be sweet and mild. These kinds of coffee beverages are also good for those who like the caffeine, but aren't fond of the taste of black coffee.

Also, if you find coffee too bitter, try a different blend of bean, a lighter roast tends to be less bitter.


Caffeine Jolt

If you're really in it for the caffeine but you'd still like it to be enjoyable, then you might go for espresso or another coffee that's made with finely-ground beans. Espresso drinks tend to be listed as low in caffeine because they are served in tiny quantities, but espresso has almost three times as much caffeine per ounce as regular drip coffee. 

You also might consider instant coffee. It may not have as complex a taste, but it's preparation is quick and easy. And you can put a shot of espresso into your cup of drip coffee for an extra boost. 

Generally speaking, the longer a coffee is roasted, the less caffeine it has. The inexpensive, mass-produced brands are said to have the most, because the beans are not roasted as long before packaging. 


Dairy and Milk Products in Coffee

If you do not digest dairy products or are allergic to them, you can use almond or coconut milk in your coffee. This can produce a really tasty and unusual coffee, especially if you use chocolate, vanilla, or sweetened varieties of these milks. It's good to note, almond milk in particular does not froth well and canned coconut milk (they type you use for cooking) provides a creamier texture.


Coffee and Calories

If you're concerned about the calories in a cream- or milk-based coffee beverage, go with skim milk and us a natural sweetener such as stevia. Once you find discover your taste preference for the coffee, you may find you enjoy it without any added extras at all.


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