FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is 🍃Offset?

We use Offset to neutralize our shipping emissions that contribute to climate change. You are shopping at an environmentally-friendly business that invests in sustainability initiatives to counteract the environmental impact of shipping.

We offset the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the shipments we deliver. Offset uses industry models to determine the amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere for each shipment, and then we pay an amount per shipment to offset those emissions. The funds are used by Offset to purchase carbon credits, which offset our emissions through deforestation protection projects. 

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

  • Cold brew coffee is a special blend of unique coffee beans that offer deep earth tones. Similar to tea, cold brew coffee is steeped, and once finished the grounds are filtered out. This offers a concentrated coffee, well balanced and bold, that is often consumed by mixing with milk or just water, served over ice.
  • Cold brew coffee uses prolonged time for brewing, unlike hot coffee, which extracts the oils, sugars and caffeine from the beans. This results in a coffee drink that is less acidic (making it popular with people who have sensitive stomachs) and it's also less bitter than hot coffee.
  • Cold brew coffee is a dark French roast and the grounds are very coarse. It's easy to make, even with a couple mason jars and a filter, or with a coffee maker made specifically for cold brew. 

How long does coffee last?

  • Dried coffee, if stored properly, can last for months and even years. It also depends on what type of coffee you have. All coffee should be stored long term between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, at about 30 to 50 percent humidity. Keep them in a dry place away from water and sunlight.
  • Roasted coffee beans should be kept in an air tight container, as well as ground coffee. You can store roasted coffees without much flavor loss for about a year unopened, or 2 years in the freezer. Coffee is still good past these dates if kept properly, but flavor fades away quickly over time.
  • Once you open roasted beans or ground coffee you should plan to use it up within a week for the best flavor. That is why it is always best to buy small amounts instead of 5 or 10 pound packages.

How to tell if Coffee is bad?

  • The best way to tell if it has gone bad is to use your sense of smell. If coffee has gone bad, the pleasant aroma will be gone and with it much of the taste. Using this coffee will not harm you, but will just not have much flavor if the smell is gone. It may also lose its deep dark color and appear a lighter brown.

How to store coffee beans to extend its shelf life?

  • Coffee does degrade over time and it degrades faster depending on the surface area - which means that the whole beans will keep longer than ground coffee.
  • The best way to store these beans is to place them in an air-tight container in the freezer. You should grind fresh only the amount you plan to use that day to avoid unnecessary exposure. Storing coffee in this way will keep out moisture and other contaminants.

How to store ground coffee to extend its shelf life?

  • The best way to store ground coffee to keep it fresh longer is by storing it in your freezer immediately after use. Storing coffee in the freezer does not freeze the coffee, so it is always ready for use without any defrosting.

How much coffee should I use in my coffee maker?

  • The most common coffee makers are 10 cup, 12 cup. Some smaller machines that are popular today are 5 cup or less, but the best selling auto-drip coffee makers are still 10 and 12 cup. There is a slight variation from one manufacturer to another, where a 12 cup pot by one company may be 60 ounces, and a 12 cup coffee by another may be 72 ounces.
  • Most traditional coffee cups are 6 ounce, so that's why they make them in those sizes. Most coffee companies will recommend 1 to 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water where you adjust to taste. With this in mind there's an easier way.
  • If you have a 12 cup coffee maker we recommend starting with about 1.5 tablespoons per cup. If you like your coffee with stronger flavor use 2 tablespoons - (adjust to taste as always).
  • For a refillable K-Cup it is easiest to just fill it up and use less if it is a bit too strong.When coffee is old it loses flavor, so you need a little more.
  • Grocery store bought coffee is often 3 weeks to 2 months old before you get it. Ours is from the same week you order, quite possibly the most fresh coffee you have ever had.

What farm does your coffee come from?

  • We source the beans from many tiny family farms. Some at high elevation with shade grown coffee fields that flourish on the edge of the mountains and some at medium elevation with full sun. The workers hand pick every coffee cherry, and hand wash them too. Matter of fact, they do it all by hand right down to the drying of the beans in natural sunlight with beans spread over wooden planks.
  • The same way it was done hundreds of years ago, an old world method. No automated picking machines or careless processing. Hand selected beans, among the best anywhere in the world. We are sure you can not get coffee of this quality for the price we offer it anywhere else. We focus on environmentally friendly processing that is good for the surrounding habitat.